Sunday, 22 November 2009


Well I can't leave it as just a few artists who influenced our choices... !

One original suggestion of what we could do with our door was to sand it completely down until there was nothing left but sawdust... and then try and fit it to a door... or place it in an empty doorway and make people 'open' it... we could've gone off into some bullshit about how it technically is still a door... maybe it was the evolution of a door back to a simpler state.. or maybe it was just an excuse to destroy something... either way.. we didnt go ahead with the idea.. but I did find an artist who did a similar thing...

Yogi Proctor ( ) who I found in my Concrete 2 Canvas book (also in the library) basically filmed himself taking an electric sander to an antique chair... apparently interested in the form of things... however I am left wondering, what is the stupidest thing someone has EVER done and then called 'art'...?

its a good job we didnt do this I think!

Samuel Francois ( ) is known for his bright additions to nature. In a similar vein to our own theme of work, Francois chose to paint brightly coloured patterns to recesses and exposed areas of trees which made them look as if they are hiding away different personalities and their true colours on the inside of their bark. The practical side of this is nothing amazing, its just adding colour to trees, but the idea that trees have this hidden side to them again sparks the imagination to conjure what else they might hide, what colours would be inside other species of tree, what could would you be on the inside? something so simple that can make another person open their mind even just for a second is a wonderful thing... I fear the majority of younger generations are lacking in imagination... :(

Olle Hemmendorff ( ) one day got tired of his ordinary kitchen floor and decided to draw on it... I would LOVE to do this in my own house... however, with my current living arrangements I would be killed... and I reckon if I moved in with my girlfriend I'd get very little say in decor...
anyway... again with this piece of work I am interested in the technique and appearence, it's like graffiti/urban street art has become so popular that it is no longer posted on walls under the cover of darkness but is now venturing into our homes and completely D.I.Y. which I dont mind.. but I cant help feel over saturated with it in recent years... especially with the millions of Banksy copy-cats... (myself included in that a few years ago!). Hemmendorff's own D.I.Y floor is particularly appealling because of its character, the cartoon looking, heavy outlined wood panels are drawn in a state of disrepair... with weeds growing between the cracks and the odd nail bent and sticking out... the humour in it makes me smile each time.

Thomas Keeley ( ), I looked at this guy's work with the idea of making the door itself into a character... I suggested the idea that we could all create characters that represented doors or our pathways... but it was just an excuse to create a character and make it 3D.... either way I found Keeley's work fun in the way that an ordinary object can suddenly be personified with the addition of an attribute we relate to as being human.. or alive... for example the teeth added to the chairs suddenly take a functional piece of furniture and turn it into a scary being who might eat you when you sit on it!!!!

similar to this, when I came across the Faces in Places ( )blog last year I was again smiling at all the weird and wonderful expressions found on inanimate objects... but also made more aware of our own tendencies to form images from various lines, marks, holes or moldings... is it a comforting thing if we paint a happy face on things? or is just an overactive imagination?

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