Thursday, 19 November 2009


I noticed that Chris had made an entry informing the world of our progress so far so whilst he is at work, i've decided to update this entry with the 4th week of work and information.

Week 4:

The first day back was unfortunately hindered as one our group had car troubles and was unfortunately not able to get in. During this time, we trawled through selections of music, trying to find something suitable. The final decision will be made by Friday.
The final idea to be drawn onto the board was finished on Tuesday and the frame was given an extra coat. Chris and myself also fitted the door into the frame, allowing us to tweak it that night and some of Wednesday. This then allowed us to move the door and frame into the exhibition space.

Today is Thursday (19/11/09) and our exhibition has been pushed back to Monday morning. As a group, we have decided that our own internal deadline will stick to the friday lunch time deadline. This will then allow me to tweak the final video (running order and music sync) and finish our sketchbooks over the weekend, ready for Monday morning.

Ill make a quick update tomorrow for the rest of today and friday

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