Sunday, 22 November 2009

MOOAR 2.0 (now with added OAR

Although I might be over doing the time lapse thing now... I still find it amazing... it's like the next step for illustration... rather than looking at a flat 2D image in a magazine or online... you can now see how it was made... I'm really excited to see how all of our work flows together in the final video (although I know one of my own pieces was slightly cocked up when the camera was knocked out of place but too late to worry!)... but I'm again coming back to my interest in creating something a little more tactile that an audience can get more enjoyment out of and involvement with. I even tried this within photography and taking an image of a 3D object, that is printed onto a 2D surface but I turned them into anaglyphic images thus making them '3D' again.. (*technically not real 3D but the illusion of it).

I'm slightly going off on one here.. and should probably save this for my own blog...
I stumbled across this video which reminded me of our own and how we've been trying to decide on the correct piece of music to complement the footage. It is another time lapse video of a large scale collaboration, but they have edited the footage to fit with key beats in the soundtrack which adds to the viewing pleasure... but they also completely paint over the final piece as if it never existed... no matter how often I see it done.. you can't help thinking WHY!!! why not leave it and let people admire it in person for a bit... :(

( they also had a few other time lapse vids for those interested! :P,clipID:4004331,includeClip:true,order:MOST_RELEVANT )

the particular group of people featured in the time lapse video are the Pirates (, who are all well known graffiti/street artists within their own circles but collectively come together for commissions and projects. Hopefully, even after this project has ended a few of us will still collaborate from time to time :) what I like about the pieces I've added here is again HUMOuR and FUN. Like how Keeley made the chairs look like mouths, Pirates have made the windows look exactly the same.... and although a more serious topic of unprotected sex, they have still added humour to the work rather and are being quite vulgar with it (which is still funny.. depending on your generation)...

The members of the Pirates are listed on their blog but I found one of their team prior to this... Disco Teck ( ) again purely by accident via a magazine. As I mentioned before about graffiti and street art becoming popular, Disco Teck, the Pirates and various other names/labels their associated with have gone from graffiti artists and collaborating artists to commercial design collectives with offices around the world and rolling in it :) I now feel that once I graduate, all my interests will have fallen out of favour.. :/

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